Below you'll find useful information for those of you planning a stay at Hotel C Stockholm. We offer personal service 24 hours a day - just contact us if you have any queries!
We have a few parking spaces and you can book your parking here. If our garage is full, we can provide directions to other garages near the hotel.
Luggage storage
We offer luggage storage before check-in or after check-out if you want to enjoy a little more of Stockholm.
Our free WiFi can be accessed from anywhere in the hotel.
Late check-out
A later check-out is possible subject to availability. Ask at reception on arrival.
Cash-free hotel
The Hotel C Stockholm is a cash-free hotel. This provides a safer working environment for our staff as it reduces the risk of theft and burglary. It also means that we have more time to spend on taking care of our guests. For guests it means faster and more secure payments. We accept all major debit and credit cards. Please contact us for more information.