
Partner offers

Earn bonus points while listening to audiobooks!

As a member of Strawberry, you can earn bonus points when you use BookBeat. You’ll receive 1 bonus point for each krona you spend on your BookBeat subscription. New BookBeat subscribers will also receive 3,000 bonus points as as welcome gift!

About BookBeat

  • BookBeat is an app with more than 900,000 audiobooks and ebooks.
  • Select the package that suits you best based on how much you want to listen.
  • With a BookBeats family account, up to five members of your family can share your BookBeat subscription. You only pay 49 kr or €4,90 per month for each additional profile, regardless of which price package you have.
  • You can cancel whenever you like, as BookBeat does not have a minimum subscription period.

With the BookBeat app, you’ll have access to more than 900,000 audiobooks and ebooks directly in your mobile phone or tablet. Take full advantage of the great selection of content including exciting crime novels, feelgood romance, gripping biographies and inspirational books about personal development, economics and business.

Earn 1 point per krona spent on your BookBeat subscription!

An audiobook is ideal for all those of you who want to lose yourselves in a book, yet lack the time or energy to sit down and read.

As a member of Strawberry, you’ll earn 1 point for every krona you spend on your BookBeat subscription. And as a new user, you’ll also get a free trial period and 3,000 bonus points as a welcome gift!

Become a member by choosing the correct link below and enter the campaign code: strawberry


  • The welcome bonus and the free trial period only apply to new BookBeat subscribers.

  • The welcome bonus is only paid out when the trial period has ended and you have become a paying subscriber. You will then earn bonus points for each subsequent month you subscribe to the service.

  • If you are already an existing BookBeat subscriber you will not receive the free trial period or the welcome bonus, but you will earn bonus points every month from the first payment after adding the promotional code to your profile.

  • If you have had a BookBeat subscription before and reactivate your subscription, you will not receive the free trial period or the welcome bonus, but will earn bonus points from the next monthly payment.

  • You can’t earn monthly bonus points if you already use another promotional code to earn points or to receive a monthly discount. This also applies to the student discount.

  • You only earn points on your monthly subscription and not on upgrades to more users in your account or when purchasing gift cards.

  • The points will be transferred to your Strawberry account 3-5 days after the monthly payment for the subscription.