What is the nicest thing a guest has ever done for Stian A. Gregersen, receptionist at the Comfort Hotel® Bergen? What is a normal day at work like? And what are the tricks you need to know to get an upgrade? Come and join us as we visit the reception to find out!

What’s a regular day at work like?
– As a Barceptionist (bartender + receptionist) my day consists of answering e-mails and phone calls, but above all, and the best part, is to meet and greet our guests and help them out with whatever they need. I have lots of roles: guide, bartender, nurse, teacher, cleaner, interpreter. You name it. There are always new challenges you need to deal with on the fly.
__What do you like best with your job? __
– The people. Both guests and colleagues. Without them I’m nothing.
… And the least?
– The tap in the bar… It can froth quite a lot from time to time.
What do you do, besides checking in and out guests?
– Checking in and out guests don’t take long time at all and with our Self Check in-stations. Many guests choose to do this themselves. Then it’s important for me to be where the guests are so that I can chat with them about their plans and let them know that I’m happy to help them to ensure they have a pleasant stay with us.
What’s the nicest thing you’ve done for a guest?
– Well, one guest wanted a picture of a cat in his room. He got a picture of the cat Mona and a description of what she enjoyed doing. He was very pleased and posted a picture on Instagram.
What’s the nicest thing a guest has done for you?
– Last year I had some guests I had chatted to quite a bit and given some tips to. They were so pleased with my help they bought me a little teddy bear and a card where they thanked me for a pleasant stay. I really appreciated that.
Do you have many upset guests? How do they behave?
– They often talk a little louder and faster than they should, but it’s usually alright if you make sure you listen and try to understand why they are frustrated.
They majority of guests are happy, but a part of the job is to help upset guests and make their day a little better. But there will always be some unhappy guests and then I always do my very best to make them happy again!
Why do I sometimes get a key card that doesn't work? Is it really that hard?
– Ask me and I will ask you. It’s probably some magnetic stuff in the card that stop working. But just come and see me at the Barception and I’ll get you a new key card. Easy peasy. Every now and again there’s someone who can’t get the key to work because they are trying to get into the wrong room! Then you can’t blame the key. Now you can skip the key card at several of our hotels and use the digital key Mobile Keys.
__Do you have any tips for guests who would like an upgrade or other goodies? __
– One tip is to become a member of Strawberry! Then you’ll have a range of benefits at the hotel, and it also makes it a lot easier for us to surprise you and maybe give you the room that you loved so much last time you stayed with us. Besides, you only have to pay 200 NOK extra to upgrade your room at our hotel!
__Is it possible to ask for extra pillows, duvets? Is it possible to request a specific room? __
– Of course! We’ll arrange most things. Housekeeping is not on call all the time so it’s better to let us know early in the day. If not, we’ll fix it when the night staff starts their shift. You are welcome to request a specific room and we’ll do what we can to give you the room you asked for.
__What’s the best and worst you have experienced? __
– The best was probably when we were decorating our Lonely Christmas tree and a guest asked if we were a family-operated hotel. That was lovely. The worst must be all the spontaneous sports events our sporty managers want us to join. I especially refer to the relay at Bergen City Marathon.
__Why do hotels overbook their rooms? __
– To irritate the night staff. Just kidding! Many people book hotel rooms and then never actually show up. The idea is to protect us from lost income.
How do you solve your overbooking for those guests who are without a room?
– On those occasions we arrange a room at one of our sister hotels. Luckily, Strawberry have several hotels in downtown Bergen.
And lastly: what’s the best thing about Bergen?
– Bergen is the best, end of story. I am a newcomer myself and have learned to love the city for what it is, even the rain and sound from the local youth organisation Buekorps (the Archery Brigade). The city centre is so small you can walk anywhere you want to go, and people are (generally) nice. Bergen has a great cultural selection with museums, theatres and concerts.
Check out Comfort Hotel® Bergen, the hotel where Stian works, here!
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6 quickies with Stian A. Gregersen
Favourite hotel? I have to say my own - Comfort Hotel Bergen, because we're so cool. I'm not that picky when it comes to hotels, just as long as the people working their are nice and friendly.
The best thing about staying at a hotel? The bed! Always comfortable beds at hotels.
The worst thing about staying at a hotel? Checking out and leaving the hotel.
If you could choose, who would you like to meet in a hotel lift? I should say my partner, but I'll choose Anette Hoff, actress from the Norwegian soap opera Hotel Caesar. I think she's cool.
What do you always eat at the hotel breakfast? I appreciate when there's nugatti! (Norwegian version of nutella), otherwise eggs and bacon.
Do you have any strange habits when travelling? Eating take away in the hotel bed is one of my favorite things to do.