When you check in at the Clarion Collection™ Hotel, you enter the feeling of a home. A cosy living room, soft lighting, quiet music and fika and an evening meal. Hygge* is always included.

Book at a table, hygge at Clarion Collection Hotel

**"Hygge" is a Norwegian and Danish word for coziness, a laidback and relaxed mood. *

For Scandinavians, “hygge” is a familiar word. But it is no longer just a word – it has become a world-renowned concept and culture. It's all about taking the time to calm down, relax and smell the roses. This is exactly what the Clarion Collection Hotel will offer you, which is why they have made "hygge" their concept.

Muted music, brewed coffee and an evening meal

Hygge as a hotel concept means that you as a guest here will know exactly what you are getting when you book your stay at a Clarion Collection Hotel:

You step into the lobby, into a mood, a feeling, a calmness. The smell of cosiness, maybe freshly roasted coffee beans? Quiet and soft music. A crackling fireplace, a comfy place to sit with a captivating book. And breakfast, classic fika* and an evening meal are always included – like coming home to someone who loves you.

*A classic Swedish tradition consisting of tea, coffee and something sweet (usually pastries).

book-fireplace-clarion-collectionA nice fire going, a book you can't put down and a cup of coffee that warms you up from the inside.

Ready for a delightfully calm environment, new sensory experiences and delicious meals? Clarion Collection Hotel’s historical buildings can be found in Norway and Sweden.

Library at Clarion Collection Hotel Havnekontoret

Facts about Clarion Collection™ Hotel

  • Breakfast, fika and the evening meal are included
  • Almost all the hotels in the chain are historical buildings and represent a piece of history
  • The hotels are centrally located at the destinations
  • The first hotel chain Petter A. Stordalen bought. It was called Home Hotels then
  • The chain has a Director of Happiness who will develop the concept further and teach it to the employees