Telephone: +47 21 01 51 51
Telephone hours:
Monday - Friday: 08.00 AM-4.00 PM
Block your credit card:
24/7: +47 21 01 50 40
Telephone: 08-14 73 30
Telephone hours:
Monday - Friday: 08.30 AM-5.00 PM
Similar questions
Which currency
Can I apply for a Strawberry Mastercard?
Keep track on your smartphone
Benefits with Strawberry Mastercard
Blocking and requesting a new card
Processing of personal data
Can I read about the Strawberry Mastercard anywhere?
Price list
I am missing extra points after a points campaigns, such as double or triple points or Mastercard. Why is that?
Payment protection insurance
Increase of credit limit
Interest rate on instalment payments
Something urgent?
Call us on: +47 22 334 200
We will be closed all day on Saturday 28 September.
Monday - Friday
8am - 8pm
9am - 5pm
Sundays and bank holidays
Contact us