
Which currency


Is it better to pay in local currency or NOK abroad?
When you are overseas, we recommend you pay in local currencies as the exchange rates used by the shops usually are higher than the rates we use. With Strawberry Mastercard you are covered by a good travel insurance when you pay a minimum of 50% of the trip with your card. The travel insurance also includes a travel cancellation insurance.

20 bonus points for each hundred kroner spent on purchases abroad
Strawberry Mastercard can be used worldwide and the chip incorporated in the card provides increased security when you use it. In addition, you receive 20 bonus points for each hundred NOK you spend!


Pay in local currency abroad
When you are abroad, we recommend you pay in local currency as the shop’s exchange rates ares often unfavourable to the rates we use.

20 bonus points for each hundred kroner spent on purchases abroad
Strawberry Mastercard can be used worldwide and the chip incorporated in the card provides increased security when you use it. In addition, you receive 20 bonus points for each hundred SEK you spend!

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8am - 8pm


9am - 5pm

Sundays and bank holidays


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