Become a member
How it works
Become a member
It's easy to create a membership account.
Earn bonus points
Earn points on everything from hotel nights to partner offers.
Use bonus points
Stay overnight at a hotel and buy a gift card with the points your earn.
Membership levels
Brilliant benefits with all levels
0 nights
0 points
Points on each hotel stay
Grab a coffee - whenever you want
5-15% off hotel stays
5 nights
15 000 points
Cancellations until 9pm
75 kr/8 EUR worth of restaurant vouchers
Possible late check out until 4pm
30 nights
50 000 points
Possible upgrade upon arrival
Spa entrance 2 for 1
Free mineral water or soft drink
60 nights
100 000 points
Guaranteed upgrade
Exercise for free at our hotel gyms
Guaranteed late check-out until 6pm
Don't miss
More brilliant benefits
Red Carpet
Get access to exclusive experiences and offers – all the year round.
Points Unlimited
Earn bonus points every time you use your Strawberry Mastercard.
Restaurant vouchers for hotel stays
The higher your level of membership, the more money you'll get to spend.
Around the World
Members can enjoy many exciting benefits with several international partners.
Our partners
Members experience more
There are only benefits of becoming a member
Discounted overnight stays. Early access to great offers and news. Bonus points to give you free nights. Free coffee – whenever you like. Join 2.6 million others and become a member!